Sunday, May 26, 2024

My plan to produce a few more hand painted greeting cards

 Abbott’s Pass
watercolour greeting card
©2024 Charlene Brown

My semi-successful project to paint Christmas cards last year ─ only six turned out, and another was Photoshopped into an acceptable jpeg suitable for getting prints made  ̶   used up my supply of blank watercolour cards.

I decided to buy another six-pack and try painting Other Occasion, Congratulations, Get Well or whatever-came-along cards. Turns out they don’t sell six-packs or even ten-packs anymore.  I had to buy a set of 50!

The painting I used on my April 7 blogpost was the first painted card from this enormous supply, and is actually quite a bit smaller than it appears on the screen.

The greeting card painting above, Abbott’s Pass, shows one of the many individual Google Street Views I painted prior to combining several (not including this one) into a  multi-viewpoint picture of the Plain of Six Glaciers.  I’ll write about another one that didn’t ‘make the cut’ next week.