The Garden at Government House,
Watercolour sketch
©2009 Charlene Brown
Using this mid-October sketch as a starting point, I have computer-painted in both directions through all seasons and put the series together in a video that runs just over one minute. If you’d like to see it, click on A Year in a Victorian Garden
And speaking of Years… Here is a review of my first year blogging 1150 Words…
I originally named my blog ‘Weekly Painting Worth 1150 Words’ to commit myself to painting and writing regularly, and to keep my entries short – the reasoning being that the picture would be worth 1000 words and I’d only write 150 more. I hoped the brevity of the entries would increase the likelihood that my blog would actually get read – as well as the likelihood it would ever get written. And it worked!
1150 Words is for sharing ideas about watercolour, computer, and video painting, and that has worked beautifully as well! The ‘sharing,’ however, has been pretty one-sided. I’ve learned a great deal more from other people’s blogs, especially Making a Mark than I have been able to pass on.
In fact, the only post I can think of where I actually described a useful technique that was new (to me anyway) was about masking back-lighting effects on figures in a landscape viewed ‘almost directly into the sun.’
Another post I’m quite pleased with is about painting on the Opabin Plateau at
Click on Opabin Plateau to see these sketches on an interactive Google map