Pyramids at Giza
Computer painting
The Beach at Alexandria
Computer painting
Computer painting
Here are two more of the watercolour sketches I painted in a 6” x 10” Arches Carnet de Voyage in Egypt last October. They’ve been ‘abstracted’ in Photoshop, mainly using the Cutout filter –a new favourite. The Pyramids at Giza is our first look at them as we approached through the city just after sunset. The Beach at Alexandria shows the Mediterranean coastline, featuring eclectic 'Turkish-Florentine' architecture, as seen looking west from our hotel. (Okay, I’ll admit – quite a bit of artistic licence was used in including the Pharos Lighthouse. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World when it was built by Ptolemy I in the 3rd century BCE, but damaged and finally destroyed in a series of earthquakes in the 10th and 14th centuries CE)
I found the huge time spans covered in the various archaeology courses I’ve taken at the University of Victoria confusing and have found it useful to put together a cross-cultural time line on my History of Design website. The pyramids are on page 2 (Third Millennium BCE) and Alexandria is on page 4 (First Millennium BCE)
I found the huge time spans covered in the various archaeology courses I’ve taken at the University of Victoria confusing and have found it useful to put together a cross-cultural time line on my History of Design website. The pyramids are on page 2 (Third Millennium BCE) and Alexandria is on page 4 (First Millennium BCE)