Now, it’s my pleasure to:
· List seven things that I love: Let’s say all the usual suspects – family, friends, spring flowers, wild birds and animals, most dogs (including Portuguese Water Dogs, of whom I had never heard until recently), selected cats and, of course, chocolate – are givens… and just list my seven favourite mountains: Castle and Bident (Canada), Haleakala (USA), Osorno (Chile) Kenya (Kenya), Rakaposhi (Pakistan) and Lomnický štít (Slovakia). Should admit that only two of these are on my website Paint Every Mountain so far.
· Put a link to the artists who tagged me for this honour
· Pass the honour on to seven artists I feel should receive the recognition, and let them know they received this award:
o Rob Ijbema
o Harry Stooshinoff
o aRt garriott
o Sheila Tajima
o Sherry
o Christine Pierce
o Laura