Saturday, October 5, 2024

UAPs in Ancient Egypt

Temple of Seti I bas reliefs
Photoshopped™ photograph
©2024 Charlene Brown

 The temple of Seti I at Abydos in Egypt, considered to be one of the most beautifully decorated Egyptian temples, contains many bas relief friezes at ceiling height.  The one shown below, contains the (in)famous “Helicopter Hieroglyphics” (just to the left of the centre of the photo) that is featured in the above computer painting.

The apparent but unintended UAP* content is a palimpsest, resulting from the reuse of the bas relief panel.  This sort of appearance, with the original still partially visible, occurs when a sculpture was started by one pharaoh (in this case Seti I) then plastered over and altered under the direction of another (his son, Ramses II).

*unidentified anomalous phenomena, formerly known as UFOs