Sunday, May 5, 2019

Disruptive new stuff haiku

This is the first entry in Chapter 6 of the Clean Energy Haiku book I am writing Handling the unforeseen and unintended.

Kakabeka, the second highest waterfall in Ontario, comes with a great story…  An Ojibwa Chief instructed his daughter to devise a plan to protect her people from an imminent Sioux invasion. She entered the Sioux camp, pretending to be lost, bargained with them to spare her life if she would guide them to her father’s camp. Placed in the bow of the lead canoe, she instead led the warriors and herself over the falls to their deaths. The legend claims that one can see her when looking into the mist of Kakabeka Falls, a monument to the princess who gave her life to save her people… If I’d know about this before I painted the falls, I would have included her and made this an allegorical picture.

Here’s an explanation of the haiku on the painting above.
Line 1: Technology or service displacing established industry
Line 2: An allegory is a device used in literature and art to ­signify a meaning that is not literal. It may be symbolic of a concept, like disruptive new stuff or unintended consequences of legislation.