Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Clean and very paintable technology

clean energy
Pincher Creek
Watercolour and crayon
©2016 Charlene Brown

For some time I have been fascinated with innovative ‘clean’ technology, and especially how it’s being implemented in Canada. The Pincher Creek area shown in this painting is a particularly windy part of Alberta, the province widely portrayed as the source of the world’s dirtiest oil.

I plan to paint other examples of clean and very paintable technology in the planning stages or already up and running in Canada.  As far as I know, we have nothing as fantastic as the incinerator I painted during a DanubeRiver cruise in 2011,but I’m pretty sure there are lots of beautiful innovations to paint out there.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Mount Assiniboine Reflections

The Lake with the Secret Name
©2016 Charlene Brown

This is the north face of Mt. Assiniboine reflected in a very well-known, but unnamed, lake.  And here’s my theory as to why this particular lake has never been named…

It has in fact been named by everyone who has ever seen it! I think everyone has special memories associated with it, especially those who are lucky enough to come across it very early in the morning or late in the evening when everything is calm and the surrounding mountains are reflected perfectly. And these memories are of course secret.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Virtual Paintout still in New South Wales

A glimpse of a mountain
Watercolour and crayon
©2016 Charlene Brown

The first thing I learned when I went looking for a Streetview to paint in Blue Mountains National Park is that the park is heavily forested.  You can drive for miles without seeing more than a glimpse of the mountains.

Here’s my favourite glimpse, and (a few of) the trees it came with, as well as a link to the actual Streetview, including all the trees.  

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Virtual Paintout in New South Wales

The most recognizable harbour in the world
©2016 Charlene Brown

I was pretty sure right from the start that I’d be painting the Sydney Opera House. However, it seemed likely a lot of other painters would have the same idea, so I thought I’d better find a unique angle, and seriously considered this view from the bridge  for a while, before settling on this Streetview from Milson Road on Cremorne Point.  

Of course, I also had a look around for paintable mountains and found lots of pretty panoramas in Blue Mountains National Park.  Maybe next week…