(click on image to enlarge) |
Tamarack Glen
Oil on canvas (not)
Here’s the list of iPad apps we were required to
download for the ARTography class:
Snapseed: photo enhancement
Photoshop Express: remove spots, straighten, control
intensity, contrast
Glaze: Stylize whole or part of picture
CamScanner: I used one of this app’s capabilities
(OCR Poetry) in my December 19 post
Camera Awesome:
fast, sharp, better exposed pictures
Camera +: Good for clarity.
Image Blender and Union:
Both can combine two images. Difference is Union
allows you to use third image as mask.
Repix: 20 effect brushes, 16 filters, 11 frames
Digital abstracts. Destroy to
create. Good for glitching (electronic distortion and interference)
There is just about
no end to the ways you can combine digital techniques (app-stacking) and analog
techniques, but I actually only used one filter in one app (Glaze) to produce
this lovely ‘oil’ painting (well, it’s the loveliest ‘oil’ painting I’ve ever
produced.) I decided to quit while I was ahead.